industria vitalis April 23 - May 23, 2016 Industrial Museum of China, ShenYang, Tiexi, Peoples Republic of China The 2nd International Industrial Photography Festival, Shenyang, Tiexi, Peoples…
andererseits May 22 - June 12, 2016 Kunstverein Nümbrecht, Germanywww.kunstverein-nuembrecht.departicipating artists: Ingo Schultze-Schnabl, Michael G. Müller, Silke Krah, Bruno Obermann,…
Art- Galerie Siegen presents my exhibition: Thomas Kellner Black & White the opening will be 17. April 2016, 11 am at Art Galerie, Fürst-Johann-Moritz- Straße 1, 57072 Siegen. “Who would…
Contemporary Art Ruhr 2016Contemporary Art Ruhr, Galerie Klose June 3 - 5, 2016 UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein, Areal A [Schacht XII], SANAA-Gebäude [A35] Gelsenkirchener Straße 209, 45309…
Installationsansicht /Einladung genius loci - Zwei Siegener im Zarenland September 16 - 23, 2014 Pingyao International Photography Festival curated by Zhang Guotian “Questioning evolved…
Kunsttag 2016 May 8, 2016 Studio Thomas Kellner Künstlerstaub + Black & White 12 am – 6 pm “The interesting thing about the buildings photographed by Kellner is that they…
The ArtCamp is an exclusive event about art, starting on Saturday, the 25th June 2016 in Siegen, Germany, and will be annually organized and hosted by the German artist and photographer Thomas…
Black & White July 1 - August 20, 2016 Galerie Klose, Essen, Germany participating artists: Thomas Kellner, Frank Hohmann, Sung Won Hong, Wolfgang Kleber, Georg PieronGalerie Klose…
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