aipad 2010, Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
March 18 - 21, 2010
Park Avenue Armory, New York, USA
presented artists: Ruth Bernhard, Rita Bernstein, Jayne Hinds-Bidaut, Margret Bourke-White, Manuel Alvarez Bravro, Jeffrey Becom, Jeffrey Carley, Larry Clark, Charles Cramer, John D’Agostino, Mitch Dobrowner, Robert Doisneau, Michael Donner, Richard Drury, Martin Elkort, Jeri Eisenberg, Lisa Tyson-Ennis, Blake Fitch, David Fokos, Charles Grogg, Great Life Photographers, Jefferson Hayman, Thurston Hopkins, Henry Horenstein, Earlie Hudnall, George Humpe, Adam Jahiel, Thomas Kellner, Michael Kenna, André Kertész, Dorothea Lange, Isa Leshko, Maria Kevitsky, Marshell Noice, Ruth Orkin, Bill Perlmutter, Photo League, Brent Phelps, Grace Robertson, Willy Ronis, Arthur Rothstein, Eva Rubinstein, Pentti Sammallahti, Joe Schwartz, Rodney Smith, Jessica Somers, Hakan Strand, Maggie Taylor, John Wimberley, Fonville Winans, Marion Post Wolcott, Frank Yamrus, George Zimbel, Ion Zupcu.
Catherine Couturier Gallery Houston, TX, USA
Seventh Regiment Armory
643 Park Ave
New York, NY 10065, USA
“As time has proven the creative photographer frequently sees the lens less as an uncompromising tyrant rather than one more vital tool to be explored and adapted to match one’s vision.” Flukinger, Roy, Senior Research Curator, Houston, we've had a problem! Kellner, Thomas, 2013, Seltmann+Söhne, Berlin/Siegen, page 11
aipad memebership catalog
aipad, association of international photography dealers, memebership catalog 2010 >>>
Thank you
Thank you to Catherine Couturier and her Houston team for showing my work in New York