Re-Float the Couturiers Harvey Benefit

Re-Float the Couturiers Harvey Benefit

Re-Float the Couturiers Harvey Benefit

Re-Float the Couturiers Harvey Benefit
September 30 - October 14, 2017
Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA

Participating artists: Stanko Abadzic,  Renate Aller,  Jeffrey Becom,  Rita Bernstein,  Anne Berry, Molly Block,  Kenny Braun,  Kate Breakey,  Dan Burkholder,  Susan Burnstine, Shelley Calton, Mabry Campbell, Paul Capnegro, Keith Carter, John Chakeres, Charles Cramer, Mitch Dobrowner,  Jeri Eisenberg,  Martin Elkort,  Elliott Erwitt, Leslie Field, David Fokos, Marina Font, Charles Grogg, Henry Horenstein, Adam Jahiel, Mark Jaremko, Niniane Kelley, Thomas Kellner, Michael Kenna, Ferit Kuyas, Libbie J. Masterson, Jean Miele, Ruth Orkin, Rachel Phillip, Project B (Barabara Levine & Martin Venezky), Kris Sanford, Jennifer Schlesinger, S. Gayle Stevens, Japheth Storlie, Maggie Taylor, Frank Yamrus, Del Zogg. Donghai Xia


Re-Float the Couturiers Harvey Benefit

“Kellner’s contact sheets give bodily form to our scattered, animated and animating act of viewing.  In doing so, they reclaim the individual’s central position to the formation of image and building alike.” Pappas, Allison, Houston, we've had a problem! Kellner, Thomas, 2013, Seltmann+Söhne Berlin/Siegen, page 33

Thank you for the exhibition Re-Float the Couturiers Harvey Benefit

Thank you Catherine, but also to Libbie Masterson, for doing this groupshow in Houston highliting the unbelievable network and care of artists in relation to this gallery.

Stonehenge at exhibition Re-Float the Couturiers Harvey Benefit

Exhibition Re-Float the Couturiers Harvey Benefit