Chicago December 2015

Schneider's Showcase 2016

Schneider's Showcase: A selection of artwork from our artist
December 4 - January 26, 2016
Schneider Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA
Exhibition Opening: Friday, December 4th,  5:00pm -  7:30pm

Cornelia Hediger, Thomas Kellner, Rebecca Memoli, Res and Constanza Piaggio, Luis Gonzalez Palma, Lalla Essaydi, Doug McGoldrick., Lydia Panas

Schneider Gallery
770 North LaSalle Dr. Suite 401,
Chicago, IL 60654
United States of America
+1 (312) 988-4033

“Kellner’s photographs do not mimic human vision any more than their more traditional counterparts, but their fragmented compositions create ­something of the effect of human vision.” Pappas, Allison, Houston, we've had a problem! Kellner, Thomas, 2013, Seltmann+Söhne Berlin/Siegen, page 33

Thank you

Thank you to Martha Schneider for showing my work in Chicago through Christmas time and New Year's.