
The Unusual Westlake in Hangzhou

The Unusual Westlake in Hangzhou

The Unusual Westlake
January 15 - 22, 2017
China Academy of Art Museum, Hangzhou, Peoples Republic of China

participating artists: Cao Xiaoyang / Chen Canrong / Chen Warsaw / Chen Yan / Guan Huaibin / He Xiaojing / Jian Jian / Kong Guoqiao / Lang Shuilong / Li Changjiang / Bruce Lee / Liu Gangqiang / Lin Haizhong / Liu Yang / Liu Zheng / Mo Yi / Shao Wenhuan / Shao Dalang / Song Ling / Su Xia / Wang Dongling / Wei Yu / Yang Jinsong / Yang Kun / Yang Zhenyu / Yu Mo / Yao Zhaohui / Zhao Li / Zheng Duanxiang / Zhou Lei / Guo Xizhao (1896-1976)Chu Chu/Chen Jinan/Chen Hao/Cai Xueqiong/Hang Mingzhuo/Liao Xiaoshi/Liu Chenyu/Lu Peihong/Nie Minjun/Ou Junyi/Sui Mengyi/Tang Huimin/Wan Bo/Wang Yuyi/Weng Ting/Zheng Yifei/Zhu Yuwen

218 Nanshan Road
Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
Peoples Republic of China



The Unusual Westlake in Hangzhou

“Kellner shreds the idea of conventional single-point perspective inherited from the Renaissance, […], taken from contact sheets and combined into photo mosaics that lurch and swerve drunkenly. These pictures are not collages, but a genuinely new way […], one that is much closer to the actual processes of sensory perception. ” John McDonald, Sydney Morning Herald, May 9, 2015.

Thank you

Thank you to the curators in Hangzouh and Lishui for including my work in this famous show of Chinese photography.

Exhibition The Unusual Westlake in Hangzhou