Thomas Kellner – Tango Metropolis, Deutsches Fotomuseum, Markkleeberg, Germany, April 6 - August 11, 2019

Thomas Kellner - Tango Metropolis
April 6 - August 11, 2019
Deutsches Fotomuseum, Markkleeberg, Germany

Deutsches Fotomuseum
Raschwitzer Straße 11-13
DE 04416 Markkleeberg
+49 341 651571 

Tuesday - Sunday 1 - 6 p.m.


“Still recognizable in their entirety, the monuments develop their own bubbly existence. Sometimes, they dance in a jagged tango step, a peppy twist or a shimmering flight of floating particles similar to the London Eye.” Kruppa, Heinz-Jürgen. 2005. “Fraktale Monumente: Das besondere Portfolio.” fotoMagazin (5): 124–29.

Thomas Kellner - Tango Metropolis
Special exhibition at the Deutsches Fotomuseum Markkleeberg
from 6th April to 11th August 2019

In Thomas Kellner's unique artistic architectural photography, famous buildings disintegrate into pieces, swaying from one side to the other, wiggle their hips and conjure the viewer a smile on his lips.
Thomas Kellner questions conventional viewing habits and shows architecture motifs from all over the world in a new, multi-perspective way. He dissects concise buildings or entire urban landscapes in photographic puzzles and transforms them on large-format contact sheets into dancing architectural structures reminiscent of Delaunay's Cubist Eiffel Tower series or Feininger's vedutas.
The fragmented forms sum up under his direction to the unique picture experience. "Tango Metropolis" sharpens the viewer's gaze and causes him to rediscover the urban world and to understand its aesthetic structures.
The mosaic-like views are strictly planned and are first prepared in sketch drawings. The deliberate inclusion of the continuous image numbering of the filmstrips makes the order in the recording process understandable. Just like the human eye gliding over a motif, Thomas Kellner's camera scans the subject and challenges the audience to unravel and rearrange the seeming confusion of individual images that turn in the dance.
These photographs are puzzles which, in addition to the obvious image, carry further hidden layers. Their basic idea is as original as it is unique.
Deutsches Fotomuseum, 04416 Markkleeberg, Raschwitzer Strasse 11,
open every day except Monday from 1pm to 6pm.

thank you to Andreas Mueller and Kerstin Langner for this wonderful exhibition

