April 18 - June 23, 2019
Museum Wendener Hütte, Wenden, Germany
participating artists: Ander, Jan Backhaus, Marlies Backhaus, Ursel Decker, Sabine Helsper-Müller, Adelka John, Thomas Kellner, Rolf Kluge, Annette Kögel, Ingo Schultze-Schnabl.
Museum Wender Hütte
Hochofenstraße 6
DE 57482 Wenden
+49 2761 81401
Tuesday to Sunday 3 - 6 p.m.
“Kellner’s technique is similar to Cortázar’s gíglico in that many —though not all— of the pieces in his composites are semantically opaque.” Castro, Fernando R. 2011. “Thomas Kellner: Kontakte Einer Unendlichen Stadt.” In Thomas Kellner: Mexiko, edited by Thomas Kellner, 37-46, 49-57 engl. Lüdenscheid, Berlin: Seltmann+Söhne.
The 10 artists of the BBK - Southern Westphalia: Ander, Jan Backhaus, Marlies Backhaus, Ursel Decker, Sabine Helsper-Müller, Adelka John, Thomas Kellner, Rolf Kluge, Annette Kögel, Ingo Schultze-Schnabl show works from the most diverse branches of visual art - graphics, painting, crossover, object, photography and film - revolving around the topic of water in the broadest sense. The individual works already partially show in theirs Titles, that the artistic realization goes beyond the purely realistic illustration and how meaning and symbolism of water for the earthly life can be represented in many ways.
thank you to director Monika Löcken and Museum Wendener Hütte for showing our exhibition in Wenden and special thanks to Marlies Backhaus for organising this show.