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2263 results:
Adriana Groisman  
Adriana Groisman - TangoAdriana Groisman wurde in Buenos Aires, Argentinien geboren, studierte am International Center of Photography in New York und lebt dort heute auch. Die Arbeit „Tango, Never…  
Baruth, Marc  
Marc Baruth - Der verlorene SohnIn my photographic work I mainly deal with two thematic topics, which in my opinion are now and above all in the near future of great importance. On the one hand this…  
Dietrich, Jochen  
Jochen Dietrich - Viagens na terra delesViagens na terra deles (Journeys through foreign land) is maybe the most pictorial approach to pinhole I ever made. It is a diary of a fictitious journey…  
Kellner, Thomas  
Thomas Kellner - The Genovese PalacesMagnificence and Luminescence behind GatesGenua is a city whose numerous narrow, centuries-old alleys with houses wind themselves alongside the hills. On…  
Koenigs, Juergen  
Juergen Koenigs: Fotografie bildet Aeussere Realitaet abSie tut das nach den Regeln der Apparatur und der Verarbeitungsprozesse. Damit verwandelt sie zugleich Realitaet zu neuer Bild-Realitaet. …  
Krawiec, Georgia  
Georgia Krawiec: The Palace - My LoveGeorgia Krawiec (born in 1972)spent half of hier life m Germany. She graduated. among others, from the Department of Fine Arts at the University of Siegen in…  
Schaepers, Martin  
Martin Schaepers: Photographical elevations of large industrial buildings in SiegenToday in designstudios and architectural offices neariy everybody while working on projects using 3-D modelling for…  
Wickler, Christian  
Christian Wickler: tea and penguins... the falklands Ein atmosphärisches Porträt der Falkland Inseln, entstand im Frühjahr 2000. Der besondere Focus zu dieser Arbeit lag dabei, auf der besonderen…  
Wiebusch, Stephanie  
Stephanie Wiebusch: "and in the morning I´ll be gone" [tom waits] Next to my painting work, taking photographs is the other important possibility for me to have a good look at the world around and…  
China Photo 2007  
First Meetingplace FotoFest Beijing Staedtische Galerie Haus Seel, Siegen (City Art's Gallery Siegen) China Photo opening August 9th opening speach by Celina P. Lunsford, Fotografie Forum…  
Search results 791 until 800 of 2263