Gerald Foerster, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany
Gerald Forster was born in Germany in 1964. He graduated from the Carl Severing Fachhochschule, of Photography in Bielefeld in 1985.
His professional career as a fashion Photographer started in Paris.
Since 1998 he lives and works in New York where he started shooting celebrities for a range of publications like, Esquire, Vogue, Newsweek, Premier, Planet.....
In addition to his commercial and editorial work he has pursued several fine art projects like the 'Lightyears project' 'Nocturnal' 'The American Dream' & his latest series 'Last Days'...and is represented with his video & photography art at Hous Projects Gallery and the Stephen Cohen Gallery.
Last Days
Photographed with 4x5 inch negative
Last Days is a wondrous account on my previous journeys around the world, which started in the early 90. through the LightYears project and finally materialized through these new nightcaps, a collection of romanticized human existence, places shifting and changing as we know them, or perhaps don't....
Last Days is the reawakening of form, shape & appearance during the mystical time of night... the shifting hue in color during a long exposure elevates the usual to a new heightened.
Nocturnal. Photographs by Gerald Förster. Essay by Peter Frank. Pacanucci Wolfington, 2008. 23 pp., 16 four-color illustrations., 10½x8½".