Juergen Koenigs, Kreuztal, Germany
1943 Born in Bergisch Gladbach
1962-65 Studies at the Cologne Werkschulen (free graphics)
1965-72 Studies at the State Academy of Art in Düsseldorf, sculpture with Prof. Bobek
1971 Master student at the Düsseldorf Academy and state examination for the teaching profession at grammar schools
1971-76 Art teacher and freelance artist
1976-2006 Teaching at the University of Siegen, professorship for artistic practice
Member of the German Society for Photography DGPH
Studios in Kreuztal and St. Bauzille de Putois
Works in public and private collections
„In my pinhole work of the last decade I’ve been interested in the shape of common and trivial objects of every day life, like kitchen utensils, vegetables etc. Using various self-designed cameras I discovered ways to change their familiar and well-known forms to an unfamiliar appearance and new interpretation, for example by different kinds of distortion, by attacking and cutting the film material, by segmentation of the image field”
Pinhole Resource Collection, NM History Museum, Palace of the Governors Photo Archives, NM / USA
Altonaer Museum, Norddeutsches Landesmuseum, Hamburg
Musee de la Photographie, Charleroi, Belgien
Das Kartoffelmuseum, München
Stadt Bad SEGEBERG, Villa Flath
Stadt Kreuztal
Galerie Nei Liicht, Dudelange, Luxemburg
ArtGalerie, Siegen
IHK Galerie, Siegen
Graham Nash Collection, CA / USA
D. Brudna, Photonews, Hamburg
Kunstraum Carmen Oberst, Hamburg
Prof. G. Meerwein, Mainz
Prof. Chr. Thomsen, Siegen
1989 Aspekte ´89, Lochkamerafotografie, Siegen (GP)
1990 Künstlerpolaroids - Sofortbildsequenzen, BBK Köln (GP)
1991 EinBlick ´91, Siegen (GP)
1992 Landscape 3, Pinhole Journal, Vol 8#3, San Lorenzo, NM (GP)
1993 Camera Obscura, Magyar Fotográfiai Muzéum, Kecskemét (GP)
1993 2. Internationale Fototage, Herten (GP)
1995 Diagonal 1/95, Siegen (GP)
1995 Triviale Objekte, Lochkamerafotografie, Kreuztal (EP)
1995 Contemporary European Pinhole Photography 1, Pinhole Journal, Vol 11#3, San Lorenzo NM (GP)
1996 Jürgen Königs - Lochkamera- und Slit-scan-Fotografien, Galerie „Nei Liicht“,
Düdelingen (EP)
1997 Verzerrte Realitäten, Bilder aus der Lochkamera, Foyer 7/97, Essen
1997 Aspekte ´97, Siegen (GP)
1998 Die aufregende Sicht des Alltäglichen, Jürgen Königs - Lochkameraarbeiten der 90er Jahre, Photonews 2/98, Hamburg
2000 Contemporary Images 7, Pinhole Journal, Vol 16#2, San Lorenzo NM (GP)
2001 MessergabelschereLicht , Lochkamerafotografie, Kreuztal (EP)
2002 Senza Obiettivo, Intern Exhibition of Pinhole Photography, Siena (GP)
2002 Contemporary Images 11, Pinhole Journal, Vol 18#3, San Lorenzo NM (GP)
2002 Kunstausstellungen 1996 - 2002, Nikolausstift Wesel (GP)
2003 Aspekte 2003 - Experimentalfilm und Experimentelle Fotografie (GP)
2004 Ruhrtopia - Zukunft im Ruhrgebiet, Ludwiggalerie Schloss Oberhausen (GP)
2004 25 im Dialog, IHK-Galerie, Siegen (GP)
2006 Intern. Pinhole Photography Gallery, Pinh. Journal, Vol.22#1, San Lorenzo NM (GP)
2007 Photo Poche 114: Le sténopé. De la photographie sans objektif. ActesSud,Arles(GP)
2011 Brauhausfotografie 20, Universität Siegen (GP)
2013 50 im Dialog, IHK-Galerie Siegen (GP)
2014 Poetics of Light, Museum of History, Museum Press, NM, USA (GP)