Haibo Yu

Haibo Yu: painter's villages

Dafen oil painting village in China


Dafen oil painting village in Shenzhen is the largest painting factory in China. It has over 8000 painters.They produce and export about 5 million oil paintings every year. Many classical masterpieces of Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, Da Vinci, Raffaello are copied at a batch by assembly lines and sold all over the world. A printer from Hong Kong found Dafen oil painting village in 1986 because of its fine geographical position and communications. He opened the first oil painting factory in Dafen village and received orders from Hong Kong, Europe, and the US. Due to the low price, his works soon became hot in the international markets. Then about one thousand painting factories mushroomed in Dafen in a short time. And the related industrial links emerged.Most painters are arts lovers and professional painters from different areas of China. Most of them are young peasants. They moved out from their farmland to pine for earning their lives and realizing artistic dreams in Dafen. They copied the most holy art works in human history, and handed the ivory tower arts to ordinary people.Haibo Yu