photographers:network selection 2007
selection 2007
June 23rd till July 1st, 2007
Studio Thomas Kellner
Siegen, Germany
The exhibition shows work by 26 photographers from 8 countries.
Each photographer is represented by one selected picture.In this project, Thomas Kellner invited one hundred photographers world wide for this juried exhibition. Out of more than a hundred submissions, the jury (comprised of Thomas Gerwers, Profifoto, Germany; Nicole Stanner, Galerie f5.6, Munich/Germany, Burkhard Arnold, in focus Galerie, Cologne / Germany, Diana Edkins, Aperture Foundation, New York/USA and Thomas Kellner, project coordinator) selected 26 photos for the exhibition in Siegen.
The exhibition shows work by artists that are at the same time on a similar path like Thomas Kellner. He gives us the opportunity to see images of his colleagues, whom he meets at festivals and other events somewhere in the world. The photographs are as different as the individuals who make them. There is figurative work, architectural, abstract and experimental photography. Each photograph showing a different imagination: poetic images, collaged imaginations, dreams, perceptions and newly created realities. The end result is a collection of contemporary work and a network, where photographers can connect and help each other in building their careers.
The exhibition is acompanied by a printed portfolio in PROFIFOTO,Germany, showing all the selected images.
June 23rd till July 3rd
Opening Saturday June 23rd at 3 p.m.
Studio Thomas Kellner
Friedrichstrasse 42; D-57072 Siegen; Germany
Opening hours: Sa/Su: 3-7p.m. and by appointment
participants 2007:
Beck, Udo, Nuernberg, Germany
Bowen, Robert New York NY, USA
Carlile, Brad Portland OR, USA
Casamirra, Patrizia, Rome, Italy
Cohen, Trudy Lee, Philadelphia PA, USA
Davis, Scott B., San Diego CA, USA
Edwards, Beth Yarnelle, San Francisco CA, USA
Glickman, Andrew Z., Bethesda MD, USA
Hallett, Michael, Worcester, Great Britain
Halm-Schudel, Anna, Zuerich, Switzerland
Hirano, Masaki, Tokio, Japan
Isis, Charise, Kingston NY, USA
King, Frazier, Houston TX, USA
Krawiec, Georgia, Warsaw, Poland
Lake, Suzy, Toronto ON, Canada
Lischka, Tamara, Portland OR, USA
Major, EJ, London, Great Britain
Matar, Rania, Brookline MA, USA
Mueller, Wolfgang, Berlin, Germany
Murray, Felicia, New York NY, USA
O’Connell, Kevin, Denver CO, USA
Schwartz, Dona, Minneapolis MN, USA
Scott, Gregory Evanston IL, USA
Siegfried, Elizabeth, Toronto ON, Canada
Temkin, Brad Shokie IL, USA
Tsakmaki, Lena Palo Alto CA, USA
photographers:network selection 2007
Ende 2006 wurden wieder ca. hundert meiner Kollegen und Freunde weltweit eingeladen, die ich im Laufe der beiden letzten Jahre kennen gelernt habe, an diesem Projekt teilzunehmen. Es sind allesamt meist junge Fotografen, die ich bei Festivals, auf den Kunstmessen und in meinen Galerien kennen gelernt habe. Mit manchem verbinden sich bereits auch schon jahrelange Freundschaften. Es haben sich 69 Fotografen mit mehr als zweihundert Arbeiten für die Teilnahme beworben. Ziel des Projektes ist es ein Netzwerk unter Kollegen aufzubauen und sich gegenseitig zu fördern. Eine sachkompetente Jury aus einem Journalisten (Thomas Gerwers, PROFIFOTO), zwei Galeristen (Nicole Stanner, Galerie f 5.6, München, Burkhard Arnold, in focus, Köln) und einer Kunsthistorikerin (Diana Edkins, Aperture Foundation, New York) haben gemeinsam mit mir die auszustellenden Arbeiten ausgewählt. ....
Udo Beck
Camera Obscura
Als Walter Benjamin 1931 in ,,Kleine Geschichte der Photographie" bemerkte, dass ,, ja eine andere Natur ist, welche zur Kamera als welche zum Auge spricht “1, bezog er sich u.a. auf die von Eadweard Muybridge und Etienne-Jules Marey gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts angefertigten Arbeiten .... >>> read more
Robert Bowen
As its title and subtitle suggests, Post Cards, Real Pictures of the American Dream, Featuring Sex, Murder, Architecture, Anxiety, Mayhem, Big Mistakes and the Weather is a project immersed in irony with a distinct critical edge. This work mines the subliminal landscapes of the American dream: tacky hotel rooms, cruise ships, beach scenes, .... >>> read more
Brad Carlile
Day Amalgam
Breathtaking in their vibrant colors, the series "Day Amalgam" explores the realities of impermanence in light, color and the passage of time..... >>> read more
Patrizia Casamirra
women in a wartime
The project involves the creation of reportage stories from a number of different countries, showing women who have lived through war. The idea is to choose those women who have played a significant role in each country .... >>> read more
Trudy Lee Cohen
Photography has been a long and wonderful journey. There are places I respond to with a sense of curiosity and mystery. .... >>> read more
Scott B. Davis
Land of Sunshine
Making photographs of the desert was a fitting place to begin a series of work in Los Angeles and greater southern California. While there are parallels between the two abundant sunshine, lacks of water, little rain .... >>> read more
Beth Yarnelle Edwards
Traveling Far to Arrive at Home
Sometimes, I’m so interested in what’s going on with people in their homes that I want to know what’s in the closet or under the bed. .... >>> read more
Andrew Z. Glickman
Among Strangers Underground: Commuters on the Washington, D.C. Metro
I am a commuter. I travel each workday from my home to an office in downtown Washington, D.C. and back again. This small portion of my day is a shared, communal experience with numerous people almost all of whom are total strangers, even though many of us see each other almost every day. We travel together, often in very close quarters, but we will most likely .... >>> read more
Michael Hallett
from the seaside series
Michael Hallett challenges the concept of image making with the iconographic imagery he calls the ‘photo construction’. It was a sense of extreme frustration that led to his intellectual pursuit of how to extend the boundaries of time and space that a single exposure, single viewpoint photograph was unable to offer. The visual solution provides an innovative cutting edge .... >>> read more
Anna Halm-Schudel
Warum Blumen
Warum denn ausgerechnet Blumen, werde ich gefragt, nachdem sich jemand nach meinem fotografischen Thema erkundigt hat. Im Gegensatz zu manchen Fragestellern kann ich nicht sagen, dass meine Jugend glücklich war, sie war ausgesprochen traurig, ich betete jeden Abend „lieber Gott, lass mich sterben“. .... >>> read more
Masaki Hirano
is an island that is located on the south coast of the Australian continent.
Most of the magnificent temperate old growth forests are getting cut down to export raw materials to Japanese paper companies in the name of the tree-planting program. That means that the local logging monopoly logs old growth forests and replant trees as if it is sustainable and earth-friendly.
Surprisingly, this practice is not “illegal”. ....
Charise Isis
American Stripper
For the last twelve years, I have worked on and off in the world of exotic dance (strip clubs). It is a world harshly judged by the mainstream and generally negatively depicted by the media. Strippers are often viewed as dysfunctional people on the fringe of society. Throughout my career as a dancer .... >>> read more
Frazier King
Orchid blossoms transcend their daily existence. Of course, each exists as a wonderful, sensuous blossom. However, each blossom also seems to exist in another world. In some cases a blossom will join the human world. One may be a caricature of a .... >>> read more
Georgia Krawiec
Der Orient als märchenhafte Kulisse von Traumreisen faszinierte fotografisch bereits die erste Generation der Lichtbildner: Der Duft der Gewürzbasare entströmt bis heute den Kalotypien der Grand Tour von Reverend Bridges und der so weich scheinende Wüstensand weht ungebeten beim Betrachten unter die Augelieder.
Der Orient wird jedoch auch mit unerbittlicher Gewalt assoziiert, mit fremdbestimmten Religionskriegen und mit politischer Grausamkeit. Der orientalische Mensch (sollte es ihn als solchen geben) überlebt, indem er zwei in ihrer Kombination groteske Daseinsformen anwendet: .... >>> read more
Suzy Lake
Assisted Beauty
...... My work has continued to investigate issues of representation, the voice of resistance, or authority versus power relations by using the body as either the works’ subject or its metaphoric device since then. ....
Tamara Lischka
Important Things
When I was a child I occasionally found mermaid’s purses - egg cases for sharks and skates which had washed up on the beach. I wanted to open the purses, to find out if the leathery sacks actually contained a baby shark .... >>> read more
EJ Major
Marie Claire RIP
My work is an attempt to build a bridge between my head and my heart Perhaps it is better to say many bridges as the attempts never entirely succeed but nevertheless provide the vantage points from which investigate and express the divide. ....
Rania Matar
The Aftermath of War in Lebanon
The focus of my photography is on the Middle East, women and children especially. Lebanon in particular is interesting to me because of its key location between the West and the Arab world, witnessing a blend of Western and Arab cultures, of Christianity and Islam, of Sunni and Shiite Islam, of modernity and traditionalism. .... >>> read more
Wolfgang Mueller
To create Karat. Sky over St. Petersburg, I spent a total of ten month during 2000 and 2002 photographing various groups of children and adolescents in this Russian city of 4 million people. I established contact with them by bringing food and ....
Felicia Murray
Dreaming of India and Nepal
During my first two trips to India and Nepal which took place in the winters of 2003 and 2004, I chose to photograph in black & white. The timeless essence of location comes through more strongly without the quotidian distraction of color.
In spite of the masses of people and seemingly turbulent activity all around, the spirit of place and the changing sense of space ... >>> read more
Kevin O'Connell
I am fascinated by the visual possibilities presented when pasting together fragments of the horizon. On their simplest level, ...
Dona Schwartz
In The Kitchen
The kitchen is the hub of my family's life. It's the place where we seek physical and emotional sustenance. It's the place where we congregate to touch base, negotiate, and strategize. It's the place where we welcome .... >>> read more
Gregory Scott
"What if" is a good question, I think. What if I was taller? Or fatter? Would that make me different inside too? What if I was five years old? A five-year old doesn’t think before acting, they simply do whatever pops into their head. Like kicking in the lake .... >>> read more
Elizabeth Siegfrid
Over twenty-four years, the primary focus of my work has been on self-portraiture. The flexibility of this genre has enabled me to comment not only on the unavoidable and constant changes that occur to our bodies and psyches, but also.... >>> read more
Brad Temkin
When, therefore, a vital, devoted American photographer, Brad Temkin, comes to Ireland, travels through the country, meeting the people, chatting with them, keeping his eyes and ears open. What sort of Ireland do we expect him to come up with? Well, like all good artists, Temkin makes us question our own expectations. Or to put it another way, he substitutes surprise for predictability. ....
Lena Tskamaki
Spaces… Places…People…Soul.. Breath… Light… Emotions.. Life… End of Life..
Empty Places explores the relationship of people and the buildings/places that enclose their lives, using as an example places in my life. It is a study in the sense of space as an expanded containment of self.
When thinking of this relationship several ....
Friday June 22nd
welcome cocktails for photographers(by invitation only)
Saturday June 23rd
10-12 a.m.: short lectures by participants and visiting photographers, Museum fuer Gegenwartskunst Siegen
Verdi Yahooda
Udo Beck
Hans-Joerg Mettler
Herbert Boettcher
Lena Tsakmaki
Masaki Hirano
3p.m: opening reception of photographers:network - selection 2007, studio Thomas Kellner, Friedrichstrasse
Sunday June 24th
2p.m.: opening reception at the Museum of Conetmporary art, Siegen: 11th Rubens Award for Sigmar Polke